Ralph Windsor from Dam Guru posted an interesting and very informative article on the DAM industry, snippet below:
In the past on DAM News, we used to receive details of vendor updates to their DAM products quite frequently. For a while, we referred to it as a ‘features arm race’ where vendors competed with each other to make announcements about new functionality they were hastily adding to their platforms to out-do each other. In the last five years, however, the frequency of these updates has reduced quite significantly. Where there is product news, it tends to come under one of the following three categories:
- Very minor interface tweaks and highly specialised enhancements (e.g. ‘shaded beveling added to interface controls to enhance their usability’).
- Updates that depend heavily on a third party technology developed by someone else (e.g. facial recognition, AI components, or bundled combinations thereof).
- Vague, over-aggrandised and vacuous statements which don’t actually say anything tangible (e.g. ‘a disruptive paradigm shift in brand storytelling’, whatever that is).
For a period, there was a subsidiary category to the second item which you could call ‘integrations’ where vendors announced news about third party tools they had developed connectors for. This still happens, but far less than it used to. This is despite the fact that the biggest area of growth in DAM recently has been Digital Asset Supply Chain solutions where a DAM solution acts like a hub to manage the transformation of digital materials into digital assets and then distribute them downstream. The need remains, but the updates from most vendors now are limited to basic mechanics of transferring data. The level of integration is still typically at quite a facile or shallow level.
Read the rest of the article Here
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