Aspera & Safari

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Aspera & Safari

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Issue: Unable to browse through folders using Aspera Upload /Download Tool.




To correct this issue, you must enable Aspera script to run within the Preferences / Security settings of Safari for the webpage you wish to use the

download/uploader tool on. See steps (screenshots) below to enable.



Step 1) Visit the page and attempt to use Aspera Tool as normal (you’ve likely done this step already and found the issue).


Step 2) Open “Safari” dropdown menu and select “Preferences”.




Step 3) Select “Security” icon and click "Plug-in Settings".




Step 4) Select the dropdown menu next to your site name and change from “Ask” to “Allow Always”, and then select the Done button.




You should now be able to browse through your folders properly when using the Aspera Download/Upload tool.